
Child Sponsorship

Help an Ethiopian child receive an education!Become the sponsor that will change their life!

Your Future Sponsored Child

Click here to sign up for monthly sponsorship and select your sponsored child.

Why we chose Shashemane,Ethiopia

Our nonprofit is located in a rural part of Shashemane, where there is currently no other nonprofit or governmental assistance. Our founder, Abdisa Desisa, received the vision for this nonprofit from the Lord and a similar vision was given to our Secretry, Sara Negash. The vision was drawn on a piece of paper, in detail, specifically showing the place and what this nonprofit would entail.God in his perfect timing brought us to work together to bring this  vision and mission into reality along with some amazing people who joined us!In Habakuk 2:3 it says “Write the vision and make it plain upon tablets, that he may run that reads it. The vision is for a future time. It describes the end, and it will be fulfilled. If it seems slow in coming, wait patiently, for it will surely take place. It will not be delayed.”

What sponsorship includes

Education – School fees, uniforms, and scholastic materials
Health Care – Hospital visits if they get sick or injured.
Christian Discipleship – Teachers, Bible materials, and a meal for Saturday morning Bible club.

Sponsorship Testimony

Sara Negash,the Secretary for this nonprofit has been sponsored through Compassion!I lost both of my parents at the age of seven. My Siblings and I didn’t have money for school. We would pray that God would provide financially for me to be able to go to school.God answered my prayer through Compassion when someone I didn’t know and never met decided to share God’s love to me by sponsoring me. It changed my life completely and took burden off of my siblings and I. You never know the impact you are making in  a child’s life by sponsoring them! I learned about God through their discipleship program.The impact sponsorship has on children will bless  generations to come!

Why Relationships Are Important

You can create a special bond with your sponsored child and make an emotional impact in their life. And we hope you do! You will receive two letters and an updated photo of your sponsored child each year – mailed to you.You also have the ability to write letters to your sponsored child and of course to visit them through one of Rabbirra’s mission trips.Your child is ecstatic to hear from you!