Child Sponsorship

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It takes a village to raise a child.” African Proverb.Children in Ethiopia,don't have a luxury life style.Some go day to day not knowing where their next meal will come from.Children have a desire to get education but have no means financially to be able to go!You can change a child’s life by sponsoring them to give them a better future!We would love for you to partner with us in caring for God’s children.We believe as you help these orphans,God will bless you for showing them the love of Christ! Sponsor an Ethiopian child in desperate need today by making a long-term commitment to their education and development.For $35 a month,you will be the Child's sponsor.Your sponsorship contributes to school fees,School uniform,School supplies,medical care,  mentoring at Bible Club! By sponsoring a child online with us, you will be paying your first monthly payment.We will then set up your recurring monthly sponsorship payment from the settled transaction.The recurring monthly sponsorship payment will occur on the same day each month from when you started your sponsorship! After you sponsor your Child,children  are eager and excited to find out who their sponsors are that are changing their life in the other part of the world!Your sponsor child will send you a letter and a recent picture of them twice a year.If you would like, you can write a letter back to them,and create a relationship with them.They are Ecstatic to hear from you!  If you are ever in Ethiopia,we would love to connect you  with  the child you sponsor and have you meet them in person!Thank you for being God’s hands and feet in helping His children!! If you wish to sponsor a child and pay via check or wish to pay quarterly or yearly,please contact us at or 206-460-2744.

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