Gifts for Children

We have many different kinds of gift you can choose from to bless your sponsor child! These children don't have many clothes and shoes the ones they have are ripped and some don't have a change of clothes. If you would like to bless your sponsor child, you can buy them gifts on this site and we will give it to your sponsored child!We will send you an email pic of the child with their gifts!You can also buy food for  your sponsor child and their family!These children and families are very thankful and appreciative of what you do  for them from the other part of the world and sharing the love of Christ!If you don't have a sponsor child but you want to bless a child  of your choice from our list of children on the Sponsor page, you are welcome to do that! Email us your contact info and we would love to send you a picture of the child with the gift that you blessed them with! The gift is also open for anyone who would like to bless the Elders with clothes, shoes, or food! We will give it to the elders who need it the most that live in the street! Thank you for being the hands and feet of Jesus!May the Lord bless you abundantly for all that you do!