General Fund

If you would like to be apart of helping our nonprofit, we would love your prayers and financial support! We have big visions for this nonprofit! We believe God is able to provide all our needs according to His riches and glory in Christ Jesus just  like what Philippians 4:19 says! God uses people like you to help us fulfill the vision He has given us!Partner with us and let us make this world a better place!

Recurring and one-time gifts are valuable to the operations of Rabbirraa Children and Elders Haven!Recurring donations and one-time donations both provide stability for our operations and future projects, as well as additional resources to help address immediate needs, as they arise. Our general fund helps to run our operations in the U.S. and support the nonprofit  in Ethiopia! In addition, we will gather children in our sponsorship program  and those who aren’t but are in need once every two months to prepare lunch for them and also share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with them! We will be doing the same thing for the Elders as well once every two months with the extra fund that comes to our General fund! Our dream is to do it weekly when we have more fund available! Would you consider partnering with Rabbirraa Children and Elders Haven through either a recurring or one-time gift, so that together we can continue this important mission!

“Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and He will reward them for what they have done.” Proverbs 19:17

