Elderly Support

Rabirra Children and Elders Haven has a vision to care for Elders who are unable to care for themselves.In the rural part of Shashamane there are elders who live in the streets, who are sick, and have no  one to care for them.They go to bed hungry and beg for food in the streets.God has also put this passion in our hearts to help our fathers and mothers! 

Our first goal is to build the Children’s home and school for the street children! After the Lord helps us fulfill our vision through you sponsors, we will be working on the next vision to build a home for Elders where they will be given a place to live, a bed to sleep on and also provide some necessities for them!We will have a sheff cook food for them for breakfast, lunch and dinner. It would be a place where they feel loved and taken care of! It will be a place where we will share the Gospel with them! We will have caregivers to care for those who need help! God has put this vision in our hearts to care for street children and elders since we were young. We know the God that has called us is faithful to complete the work He wants to do through us through this ministry! We are so grateful for you sponsors for your compassionate hearts in sharing the love of God through your prayers and supporting this nonprofit financially! We can’t do it without you!

Thank you for being God’s hands and feet in loving His Children! May the Lord bless you abundantly! 
