Our Core Values

The word”Rabbirraa” mean “From God” in English. We believe children are Elders are gift from God. We have received this vision and mission for our nonprofit “from God”. The word Rabbirraa describes a deep meaning for our nonprofit which we will be sharing in a video coming soon on why we chose to call our nonprofit Rabbirraa Children and Elders Haven!

Our core values can be found in James 1:27 where God calls us to care for orphans and widows. We at Rabbirraa Children and Elders Haven are passionate about loving the vulnerable and forgotten and sharing the love of Christ to them, by providing for their physical, as well as their spiritual needs! We believe all children are created in the image of God and teach our children that they are created with purpose for a purpose! We believe these children are the leaders of the next generation who will impact and change the world if given the opportunity!

We want to be a voice for the voiceless. We want to change the trajectory of their life with God’s help through those who feel led to be part of changing their life in this ministry. We believe if given the opportunity of Education and provided with necessities to succeed, they will become the leaders who will impact and change the future of Ethiopia!

In order to do that, we need your help!

Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you.” James 1:27

The Issue

In Ethiopia, thousands of children live in the streets, many of which are orphans, with no shelter or protection from the elements, no access to food, education, clean clothes, or other necessities due to war and lack of work in the country. Many children try to do small jobs working for their next meal, and often relying on the compassion of strangers. They are not able to dream beyond their immediate needs because they are so focused on simply surviving. 

Some of the Children have parents but their parents can’t afford to feed their children or to send them to school due to lack of work. Some children who are young orphans themselves have the responsibility of taking care of their younger siblings.

These precious children have a desire to go to school and get their education, but lack of finances has made their life and their parents’ life difficult.

Our Solution

We help Ethiopian children to go to school to get  their education through Sponsorship and learn about Jesus through our discipleship ministry.

We believe investing in one child’s future will bring hope for a better tomorrow for the city of Shashamane and in the country of Ethiopia! 

We achieve this through the generosity of others – by becoming child sponsors and Ministry partners.